Michael Tearson Michael Tearson Goldfarb holding bucket Richard Bush
Peace Creeps bassist and Bush Peace Creeps Peace Creeps
Peace Creeps Bush guitar over head Bush towels off Peace Creeps
Peace Creeps Bush holds guitar up Peace Creeps Tom Hampton and Michael Tearson
Tom Hampton Michael Tearson singing Hampton watching Tearson sing  Hampton watching Tearson sing, wide angle
Hampton watches Tearson Hampton and Tearson Tearson and Goldfarb Greg Davis and Devin Greenwood
Greg, Devin, Tearson & Goldfarb Greg Davis & Devin Greenwood tune up Greg, Devin, Larry Goldfarb and Tearson Devin, Greg, Tearson, Goldfarb
Tearson with bucket and Goldfarb Devin, Greg and the money bucket Devin talks to audience while Larry leaves stage Devin, Greg and Goldfarb
Devin and Greg Devin and Greg Devin and Greg with Richard Bush in background Devin and Greg
Devin and Greg with Richard Bush in background Devin and Greg Wally Smith, Tearson, Kweder and Goldfarb Tearson, Goldfarb with bucket, Greg with guitar
Tearson, Goldfarb, Dorothy, Greg, Kweder’s band and Bush Irma, Greg and Goldfarb Goldfarb introduces Kweder and band Kweder, Wally Smith, Monk Manley
Kenn Kweder Kenn Kweder Kenn Kweder Kenn Kweder
Greg Davis plays off-stage Greg Davis kneels on stage Kenn Kweder Kenn Kweder
Kenn Kweder wide angle of Kenn and band Kenn with band, Greg on guitar Greg doing guitar solo halfway off stage
Kenn Kweder Kenn points skyward Kenn with the band Kenn with the band
Kenn Kweder Kenn with former members of Men From Wawa and Secret Kidds Kenn with former members of Men From Wawa and Secret Kidds Kenn talks to audience
 Goldfarb surrounded by Kweder fans another close-up of Kenn Kenn takes a drink while the band laughs Kenn takes a drink
Tearson getting away from a wild Kenn Kweder Kweder close-up Kweder making a point to his fans
Kweder making a point to his fans Kenn does a ballad Kenn does a ballad Kweder reaching for the sky
Kenn touching the ceiling Kenn holding on to the ceiling Kenn with his band Kenn Kweder getting dramatic
Kenn Kweder and Greg Davis Kenn points to drummer Monk Manley Kenn bends over backwards Kenn lets it all out
Kweder takes his rock-star stance Kenn belts out another one Kenn, Wally Smith, Greg Davis etc. Kenn near the end of his set
Is Kenn doing martial arts? Kenn plays piano backwards! Kenn playing piano backwards Kenn tickles the ivories in reverse
Kenn Kweder Kenn looking back at Monk Kenn arms outstretched Kweder close-up
Kweder close-up Kenn with his band Kenn takes a drink Kenn raises his glass to George Pierson
Kenn with a drink in his hand Kenn talks to the crowd Goodnight everybody! Tearson, Goldfarb with bucket, Greg with guitar

To make donations, please send them to the following address:

The George Pierson Heart Fund
c/o 622 S. Pompess Avenue
Cinnaminson, NJ 08077-1816

Thank you

Kenn Kweder ] [ The Peace Creeps ] [ Jeffrey Gaines ] [ Devin Greenwood ] [ Greg Davis ]
[ Skip Denenberg ] [ Ben Arnold ]

[ Flamin’ Harry ] [ Palmer Jan Ward ] [ Rick Difonzo ] [ Mia Johnson ]
[ Sunny Heartley ] [ Bob Campanell ] [ Steve Forbert ]
[ A.J. Croce ] [ Slo-Mo official site or on MySpace ] [ Tin Angel ]

Photographs © 2010 by J.R. Miller